Academic Development
The All Things Good Kids Academy, Inc. student experiences a curriculum designed to open children to the richness of their own intellect, as well as content area mastery. The academic rigor characteristic of an All Things Good Kids Academy, Inc. education requires that the student attain a considerable level of proficiency in these disciplines. All the academic structures of All Things Good Kids Academy, Inc. assist the student in discovering himself as an individual of reason, education and culture.
Character Development
Every subject area, every teaching method, every attitude, every action of student or teacher is a means of training character. Character training takes place throughout the day, no matter what else is being taught. Teachers maintain orderly, structured classrooms and expect the students to work hard to learn content, and in the process, teach them to: love wisdom, respect authority, pay attention, and obey willingly and immediately. In addition, they are taught to be diligent workers, honest at all times, orderly and organized.
Social Development
The development of the student’s academic, character and social maturity is a task shared jointly by the family and All Things Good Kids Academy, Inc.. The school provides both individual and collective opportunities where a student can grow as an individual and work as part of a group. All Things Good Kids Academy, Inc. strives to promote an increase in acceptance of people of diverse cultures culminating in respectful attitudes toward all people. Personal responsibility and responsibilities toward the wider community is taught through unselfish public service and dedication to honoring one’s commitments.